Wednesday, August 22, 2012


CRITERIA Full Points Most Points Partial Points No Points
Timeliness and Frequency of Posts Student posts three or more times, including initial post and responses, according to deadlines. Student posts only twice, or initial post is late. Student posts once before the final deadline for the section. Student does not post within the section deadline.
Relevancy and Completeness Student's initial post thoroughly addresses all aspects of the question(s), and responses to other students directly address their initial postings with augmentation, correction, challenges, and insightful questions. Student's initial post addresses most aspects of the question(s), and responses to other students address their initial postings. Student's initial post addresses some aspects or questions, but is incomplete or off-topic, and responses to other students are mostly unsupported agreement, disagreement, or encouragement. Student's initial post is off-topic and doesn't address questions, and responses are "me toos" or discouragement.
Knowledge of Class Materials Student's postings show thorough knowledge of the section's textbook reading and websites, including relevant quotations and other references. Student's postings show general knowledge of readings and websites. Student's postings show vague knowledge of topic. Student's postings show no knowledge of topic or convey serious misunderstandings about the topic that should have been corrected by doing the reading.
Contribution to Learning Community Student's postings support the creation of knowledge by going beyond what was in the readings to add insights taken from personal experience, other classes, outside readings, and research. Student's responses to other students support their pursuit of greater knowledge, and are respectful, helpful and encouraging, even when providing correction or raising objections. Student's postings ask and answer insightful questions and add to the course knowledge base through information taken from personal experience and understanding of the class readings. Student responses to students are polite. Student's postings answer questions and do not intentionally insult classmates or their opinions Student's postings deliberately show disrespect for other class members

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